Thursday, April 9, 2009

Conversations With A 1 Year Old...

Today after arriving home from school, I was holding Macy and getting some cuddle time in before time to get jade from school. She got really really warm in the diaper area all the sudden (all you mommies know what that means!)... Here was our conversation about it:

Me: Macy are you tee teeing?
Macy: no
Me: Macy, is your diaper getting wet?
Macy: yes
Me: so are you tee teeing in your diaper:
Macy: no
Me: then who is?
Macy: Alle!!

If you dont' know, Alle is Macy speak for Allen!
I almost choked I was laughing so hard.. She is just 1 and already she is blaming someone else for what she does!!

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