Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Busy Busy!!

As I sit here amongst my mountain of homework and studying, I decided I should take a break and update my blog!! I just finished one final!! My first aid class is officially over as of TOMORROW morning as soon as I take my first aid test and turn in my final!! That means only 4 more finals(psychology, bio 202 final, bio 202 lab final, and math) to go!!!! I can't wait!! I can finally see the end of the semester!! It's so close I can almost taste it and can almost feel the sun on my face and the sand beneath my toes!!


Jade is having surgery next Wed, April 29!!! She is having tubes put in her ears and her adnoids taken out!! We are so ready for this... she has been so sick for so long and needs this so badly!! Hopefully this will be the end to all or most of the sickness!! Please keep her in your prayers!!
I went to pick her up yesterday from her Mama Shirleys after school since I couldn't make it in time to pick her up from school myself, and to my suprise when i picked her up she had gained a new piece of clothing. I should have taken a picture! She looked absolutely ridiculous, but i was so embarrassed I didn't think to take a picture! I had dressed her yesterday morning in her chocolate brown Hannah Montanna shirt with some black leggings. When I picked her up at Mama Shirley's she had a BRIGHT red spaghetti strap tank top on over her shirt I had put on her this morning! Of course I asked her why she did that and if her Nana let her leave the house dressed like that to which I was informed she took it to school in her back pack and had put the shirt on there over her other one! So i guess now I will have to start checking her backpack before school! I can't believe she walked around school like that all day yesterday and NO ONE bothered to tell her she looked absolutely ridiculous! What a funny girl!


Macy is such a funny little girl lately. Her favorite words this week are "Beee Peesh!" (read please) She loves being read to. She is learning her colors. She likes "Wewwow" and "puhpuh" (yellow and purple) the best. Everything is yellow and purple to her!! She has been extremely whiny this week, I think because of her ears.. I'm thinking another doctor visit will happen by Monday. she will be done with her antibiotic on Friday and if it's not better by then we will be back at the doctors office I have a feeling! she is so much fun lately though.. always doing something new, mimicking us. She is such a joy to be around.


This past weekend, my best friend Stephanie and her boyfriend Ryan came to see me and the girls! I had an absolute blast and am so glad she got to come down! I have missed her so much and Jade has missed her Aunt Stephanie as well! I so wished we lived closer so that we could spend more time together like we used to. I'm SO GLAD i got to see her this weekend!

Well, I'm off here for now.. check back tomorrow for a new post! Tomorrow is a special day!!

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